Plaagbeheer is 'n hoofpyn waarmee baie mense te kampe het. Hulle is bekend vir hul vermoë om ons geboue, huise en oeste op te eet; sommige kan ons selfs siek maak deur siektes oor te dra. Dit is inderdaad 'n groot bohaai, maar daar is CIE Chemical Deltametrien insekdoder bespuiting wat hierdie probleem kan oplos. Plaagdoders is ontwikkel om presies dit te doen, en daarom is hierdie kragtige insekdoder bifentrien chemikalie kan giftig en langdurig genoeg wees vir 'n baie effektiewe goggabeheer.
Deltametrien van CIE Chemical maak goggas dood deur die senuweestelsel te vergiftig. Die chemiese middel ontwrig die senuwees van 'n gogga wanneer hulle in aanraking is of daarmee in verbinding kom. Op die ou end, in plaas daarvan om bo-op te gly, stop dit heeltemal en val in 'n toestand wat jy net as verlamming kan beskou. Na 'n paar uur vrek die gogga. Dit is baie nuttig om al die plae dood te maak soos muskiete, vlooie en bosluise wat ons gewoonlik naby ons plek kry.
As dit reg gebruik word, is Deltametrien net goed om in jou huis te hê. Dit is ook EPA-geregistreer, wat beteken dat dit veilig is vir gebruik, mits die veiligheidsaanwysings gevolg word. Sommige mense gebruik dit al jare lank suksesvol om plae te beheer. By gebruik bifen insekdoder, is dit noodsaaklik om die aanwysings wat op die etiket gedruk is, te volg. Dit is hoe hulle dit ontplooi om seker te maak dat alles goed gaan en dat almal veilig is.
Onder daardie plae is muskiete, wat baie van ons die misnoeë het om gedurende die grootste deel van die jaar te ontmoet en daarmee vertroud te raak. Behalwe dat dit irriterend is, kan hulle ook baie skadelik wees omdat hierdie insekte siektes soos Zika-virus en Wes-Nyl-virus oordra wat mense tot uiterste siektes lei. Die rede waarom ons Deltametrien gekies het, word in bogenoemde reëls verduidelik, dit maak die muskiete baie effektief dood en dus kan die gebruik van 'n perfekte hoeveelheid produk jou huis muskietvry hou en sodoende jou gesin beskerm. Behalwe muskiete, kan Deltamethrin van CIE Chemical help in die stryd teen ander plae, insluitend vlooie, bosluise en miere wat toegang tot jou perseel kan kry.
Vir enigiemand wat 'n probleem met hierdie plae het, kan Deltamethrin vir plaagbeheer gebruik. Nog 'n plaagdoder, 'n sterk en kragtige goggabespuiting wat plae kan doodmaak en vir 'n nog langer tydperk weghou. Of jy nou sukkel met muskiete wat in jou agterplaas gons of miere wat deur na die kombuis marsjeer, insekdoder permetrien kan hierdie probleem oplos en seker maak dat jou huis skoon bly. Die oplossing waarop baie mense staatmaak. Waarom dan nie vandag Deltametrien insekdoder probeer nie? Jy en jou gesin sal bly wees dat jy dit gedoen het.
Our pesticides comply with the national standards and regulations. To ensure stability and security of product quality.1. Pre-sales consultation: We will provide customers with expert pre-sales consultations to answer their questions about Deltamethrin insecticide, usage, storage and other issues of medicine and clothing. Customers can contact us by email, phone or online prior to making purchases.2. After-sales training: We will regularly conduct training on pesticides which will cover the proper application of pesticides and precautions, protective measures such as., to improve customers in their pesticide usage skills and safety awareness.1/33. Return visits after sales We'll make regular after-sales visits to our clients to learn about their preferences and satisfaction, collect their opinions as well as suggestions, and constantly improve our offerings.
In the world of Deltamethrin insecticide In the CIE world, you can find top-quality agrochemical production and technical services since we concentrate on chemical research and developing new products for the people of the world.When we first entered the 21st century our factory was primarily focused on local brands. After several years of development we began exploring international markets, such as Argentina, Brazil, Suriname, Paraguay, Peru, Africa, South Asia, etc. By 2024, we have established business relations with partners from over 39 countries. We are also committed in bringing high-quality products to countries that are not yet in our list of.
Shanghai Deltamethrin insecticide Chemical Co., Ltd. was established on the 28th of November in 2013. CIE has been focusing on chemical exports for about 30 years. We also intend to bring more quality products to a wider range of countries. Our plant produces acetochlor and glyphosate in quantities of around 5,000 to 100,000 tonnes per year. We also work with multinational companies on the production of paraquat, imidacloprid as well as other products. Therefore, our quality is world-class. Currently, the dosage forms we can produce include SL, SC, OSC, OD, EC, EW, ULV, WDG, WSG, SG, G, etc. In addition our RD department is dedicated to the creation of new formulas for the production of mixed chemicals that meet the market requirements. We consider it to be our duty. While we are doing this we are implementing GLP reporting for some products.
1. Improved production: Pesticides can effectively manage the spread of diseases, pests and weeds, thereby reducing the number of pests, boosting yields and guaranteeing food security.2. Pesticides lower labor costs Pesticides can be used to boost the efficiency of farming can help farmers save time and Deltamethrin insecticide.3. Provide economic benefits: Pesticides can help prevent AIDS and ensure that harvests are a success and also be utilized in agricultural production brought brilliant economic advantages.4. Food safety and quality can be ensured by pesticides. They can prevent outbreaks guarantee the safety and quality of food, and help to protect the health of those around us.