natural insecticide for plants

You have an idea what insecticides are? Insecticides are unique products made to kill insects that can hurt your plants. You might be asking yourself, why do you need to get rid of those insects? Insects can do some real harm by transmitting diseases, making your plants sick and unable to produceMuch like chicken soup for us humans :). What- wait a minute, you know that there are herbal insecticides? They are safe for both your plants and environment. The following are some of the major benefits that you will experience when using natural insecticides:

Plants-friendly: high chemical composition used mistakes, wrong application mode can in many cases be harmful to plants. While, on the other end of spectrum are naturally occurring insecticides, which more mild. They do their job without hurting your plants. As a result, your plants can remain hearty.

How to make and apply DIY natural insecticides for your garden

Environment Safe: Chemical insecticides are not friendly to the environment. They are harmful to the very beneficial insects like bees and butterflies that help our ecosystem. Putting your trust in natural insecticides you are doing a huge favor for the environment and beneficial insects that dwell within it. It is a wonderful way to give something back for the benefit of nature.

Garlic Spray: Garlic is a natural insect repellent. Simply cut up a head of garlic and add to some water in order to prepare the spray. Allow the garlic to stink up your place for a day. Next, you strain out the garlic and add a squirt of dish soap to this blend. Now finally use this Garlic spray for plants on your plants to get rid of insects.

Why choose CIE Chemical natural insecticide for plants?

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