plant growth regulator

Investigating How Plant Growth Regulators Produce High Yield Crops in Farmers

Our bodies grow by eating plants, and we need some extra strength to have a healthy body, so that our crops can be fully grown. So how do we give them that boost One of the most effective methods is through AR Tegrans (Plant Growth Regulators) These unique substances can be fed to our plants, helping them grow and produce even more food for us when we are not growing outdoors!

Plant Growth Regulators and Their Mode of Action

It is like the multivitamins for plants to help plant growth. Thus it works in harmony with natural hormones produced by plants. These hormones are key players in regulating plant growth. When it comes to overall growth and development, some hormones are associated with elongation and cell expansion...(Hormones which help in plant height),others help you create a seed (seed production) while others maintain your stability - Hormone writer

This is because plant growth regulators are like our medicine, which provides some assistance to help the plants grow at a faster pace and a stronger version of it themselves. Regulators that act like the hormones naturally produced by plants. There are three primary types of plant growth regulators-the ones which promote the growth, those that prevent or slow down it as per requirement and finally they also help in essential nutrient uptake by plants.

Why choose CIE Chemical plant growth regulator?

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