metaldehyde products

Have we all heard about onye na -ahụ maka uto osisi? These are some specific types of chemicals that humans use in their gardens as anti-slug and snail agents. July 30, 2023 Slugs and snails are one of the biggest threats to the health of your plants and crops. But be warned, metaldehyde is just as toxic to pets and wildlife. CIE Chemical metaldehyde products — what are they, how can they be dangerous and some environmental friendly options to give you a healthy garden today.

Metaldehyde is a chemical which most commonly arrives as pellets or liquid form. These are a product used to manage slug and snail pest in gardens which damage plant. Gardeners often prefer the use of metaldehyde because it is simple to take advantage of and can be pretty effective onthese pests. But there is also a more serious side to metaldehyde. Very poisonous which means it can harm pets+birds and other small animals that would come into contact with it.

Metaldehyde-based baits; a common approach to controlling slugs and snails.

Humans are generally protected from metaldehyde, unless they consume it in large quantities by accident. While metaldehyde is harmless to large animals, it can cause serious health problems in small ones, like cats, dogs, birds and rodents or kill them. This is because it metaldehyde neurotoxin, which acts on the nervous system. It can lead to very bad health outcomes, such as seizures and difficulty breathing.

These metaldehyde baits are to be sprinkled by the gardener in the form of pellets or liquid where slugs or snails are visible, e.g. around plants and garden beds. The baits smell nice to such pests and attract the same. But after they eat the metaldehyde, it can destroy their nervous systems, and eventually kill them.

Why choose CIE Chemical metaldehyde products?

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