1 naphthylacetic acid

CIE Chemical is thrilled to work research and produce specialty chemicals that improve plant health and vigor. We do deal with one chemical which has a name of sorts: 1-naphthylacetic acid or NAA for short. That is an extremely beneficial agricultural chemical since it assists with the improvement of how plants grow.

NAAchirimwa kukura mutongi (NAA)Plant hormone Hormones are the messengers within the plants that tell it to do things. NAA is used by farmers and gardeners to promote healthy plant growth. This chemical is synthesized to imitate a natural hormone already in the plant. The NAA is beneficial in various stages of plant growth, including root building, fruit production, and flowering.

2) The unique properties and benefits of 1-naphthylacetic acid in agriculture

NAA has a few great features that truly make it beneficial to crops. The primary advantage of using NAA is improved root formation. Strong roots can penetrate far into the soil in search of water and nutrients necessary for optimum health. Deep roots help the plant grow high up and more foliage. NAA is also used to enlarge and improve the flavour of some fruits such as tomatoes, grapes, etc.

NAA can also make apples with consistent size. For instance, NAA is then used early in the growing season when apples and pears are developing to enable uniformity in size and shape. And this is crucial for the farmers because consumers are likely to buy high-quality fruits which appear good and are similar in size when they go to the market.

Why choose CIE Chemical 1 naphthylacetic acid?

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